Paleo Diet & Eating Real Food

I’m done with complicated eating – KISS keep it simple stupid! 

Why does eating and staying healthy always have to seem so complicated? There are so many do’s and don’t’s and experts that all have different opinions. It doesn’t need to be, and here at Delish Plate (where Real Food Pledge started), we are going to get back to the basics.  

As you will learn, my relationship with food and body image has been complex, over the years, I’ve gotten myself all twisted up, consumed and turned around all over food! Take it from me… it can be boiled down to something far more straightforward and manageable than it seems. 

Real food is meant to be enjoyed, savoured & loved. You should never feel guilty or eat something that you don’t enjoy. You should want to eat foods that are good for you, and it shouldn’t require complicated calculations, point counting or measurements to figure out what you should and shouldn’t eat. 

I don’t think what we put in our mouths should ever be reduced purely to scientific theories, iPhone apps, faddish diets, or deprivation. This is where the paleo diet and getting back to the basics of real food comes in.

Here at Delish Plate, we focus on natural, whole foods, the types of foods our great-grandparents would have eaten and recognised, and make them delicious without feeling like the nutrition and diet police are out to get us. Back then, of course they didn’t have a fancy name for this way of eating, such as the paleo diet. It was just food and the way they ate.

Before food manufacturing was around, people kept it simple, with local produce from the garden or farm down the road.

Here at Delish Plate, we encourage you to quit processed food how to share with you how to identify real food from fake food. We show you how to navigate the modern world of food and what a natural food and paleo lifestyle look like. 

If you’re in that place, wanting to change but unsure of how to go about it, I am so glad you’re here! Together we are going to take it slow, break it down, and make it as easy and practical as possible so that you can live a happier, healthier life. 

My story – 101 diets 

In August 2013, I gave up processed food and started to focus my eating on natural produce, similar to what you would have found available 50 years ago. I stopped the diet roller coaster & I become a happier and healthier person. I had previously cut out processed food for several periods, but it was a diet, a month-long plan here or there, a temporary way to lose weight rather than a lifestyle decision to change my life permanently.  

Back then, in 2013 when I first quit sugar and cut out processed food, I had never heard of the Paleo diet. I was experimenting with eating more as they do in countries such as Thailand because I had been there and found that I felt so much better when I wasn’t eating the Western diet. Thailand is where it all started for me, which you can read about here.

For my entire adult life, I had been on every fad diet imaginal, and of course, as they tell you, none of it was sustainable. I would often start a new diet on Monday, and that would pita out by Thursday to then only start again on Monday. I would have fun on the weekends, eating and drinking, only to feel horrible again on Monday and so on.

We are all deeply connected to our food, it is emotional for most of us in so many ways.

Many of us have grown up with specific ideas about food, about what is healthy and what is not. We have been lied to, marketed to and sold to. We don’t even know what healthy or what real food is anymore! 

We have all been on low-fat, low-calorie diets for years, but we all seem fatter and sicker than ever! 

We are indeed digging our graves with our knives and folks with all the processed food that we eat. When I first wrote my first book, Real Food Pledge, which is only 10 years ago now, I am sure things were different even then. We have come a long way since that time, and I am sure that these days there is a lot more awareness about our food choices and how they are affecting our health and well-being.

Here on Delish Plate, we share how you can remove processed and harmful foods from your diet and get well. You will learn new ingredients, combinations of ingredients and recipe techniques so that you can create fast and healthy real food and paleo meals for you and your family.

So, what are you going to learn?  

  • How you can eat healthy real food ingredients in an easy and less expensive way;
  • Enjoy your old favourite recipes converted into healthy versions;
  •  Learn to cook and feed your family gluten-free recipes;
  • Recipes that are dairy-free and sugar-free;
  • Recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks;